Monday, February 10, 2014

Bitingly cold Horncastle

We made our second visit to Horncastle this weekend.  It's about half an hour's drive from Market Rasen (turn left at Wragby) and is a town full of antique shops, the odd book shop and all the usual charity and other shops.

We started at the end of town which we haven't visited before and quickly ended up lost in the maze which is the Lincoln Co-op building.  It is an antique shop which has been sorted out inside, so that all the thumbles are together, the glasses, the LPs, the pictures, the salt and pepper cellars, the jugs, even.

The place is piled high with stuff, so much stuff that you can't really take in how much stuff there is.  And then there's outside... the place where antique crockery goes to die.  It definitely has the atmosphere of the porcelain graveyard about it, and once again, it is almost impossible to take in the massive amount of stuff.

I picked up a few bits and pieces, a little bottle with a metal lid, a glass bottle with no stopper and a couple of boxes.

We moved on to Bunnies, which is a fantastic stripped pine shop on the bridge.  We bought a few things on our last visit, and I fell for a hanging rack and several other pieces.  We love it there!  I'm sitting next to the bookcase I bought last time.

We had decided not to penetrate one of the other shops which has a lot of junk and a few better pieces, but I spotted a chair in the window and had to look at it.  I love it *so* much.  I think it may be the work of Edgar Wood, who was an arts and crafts architect.

It was very chilly in the wind, and so we were happy to stop off at a nicely warm West Street Books. We went "through the wardrobe into Narnia" which is where their cut-price books lie hidden.  I got several really interesting books about old houses and interiors and was very happy with our haul on our return home.